Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Last night Amy and I saw a free screening of the new movie Maid of Honor. It was so cute by the way we loved it! I also loved the unexpected surprise.... After Different World ended TBS brought back for reruns during my high school career. I watched it every morning while I made breakfast and lunch. I had the BIGGEST crush on Dwayne Wayne he was so cute and who would love those glasses? Much to my dismay TBS stopped airing Different World re runs and I was left with just my memory of him... Well last night dreams came true and I was reunited my Dwayne Wayne for 1hr and 40min! He has gotten older and fatter but it was fun to see him again! Maid of Honor comes out May 2ND so any of you who have been waiting for reunion with Dwayne you don't have to wait much longer!


Annie said...

I knew it was him! When I saw a commercial the other day I even said to Luke, "I think that was Dwayne Wayne!" aka Kadeem Hardison I was even going to blog about him, great minds think alike! I'm excited to see that movie.

Amy said...

You forgot to mention that I am the one who pointed him out... That was a great movie. The perfect chick flick.